37 research outputs found

    Software Development Process Modeling. Developers Perspective to Contemporary Modeling Techniques

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    Formal software development processes and well-defined development methodologies are nowadays seen as the definite way to produce high-quality software within time-limits and budgets. The variety of such high-level methodologies is huge ranging from rigorous process frameworks like CMMI and RUP to more lightweight agile methodologies. The need for managing this variety and the fact that practically every software development organization has its own unique set of development processes and methods have created a profession of software process engineers. Different kinds of informal and formal software process modeling languages are essential tools for process engineers. These are used to define processes in a way which allows easy management of processes, for example process dissemination, process tailoring and process enactment. The process modeling languages are usually used as a tool for process engineering where the main focus is on the processes themselves. This dissertation has a different emphasis. The dissertation analyses modern software development process modeling from the software developers’ point of view. The goal of the dissertation is to investigate whether the software process modeling and the software process models aid software developers in their day-to-day work and what are the main mechanisms for this. The focus of the work is on the Software Process Engineering Metamodel (SPEM) framework which is currently one of the most influential process modeling notations in software engineering. The research theme is elaborated through six scientific articles which represent the dissertation research done with process modeling during an approximately five year period. The research follows the classical engineering research discipline where the current situation is analyzed, a potentially better solution is developed and finally its implications are analyzed. The research applies a variety of different research techniques ranging from literature surveys to qualitative studies done amongst software practitioners. The key finding of the dissertation is that software process modeling notations and techniques are usually developed in process engineering terms. As a consequence the connection between the process models and actual development work is loose. In addition, the modeling standards like SPEM are partially incomplete when it comes to pragmatic process modeling needs, like light-weight modeling and combining pre-defined process components. This leads to a situation, where the full potential of process modeling techniques for aiding the daily development activities can not be achieved. Despite these difficulties the dissertation shows that it is possible to use modeling standards like SPEM to aid software developers in their work. The dissertation presents a light-weight modeling technique, which software development teams can use to quickly analyze their work practices in a more objective manner. The dissertation also shows how process modeling can be used to more easily compare different software development situations and to analyze their differences in a systematic way. Models also help to share this knowledge with others. A qualitative study done amongst Finnish software practitioners verifies the conclusions of other studies in the dissertation. Although processes and development methodologies are seen as an essential part of software development, the process modeling techniques are rarely used during the daily development work. However, the potential of these techniques intrigues the practitioners. As a conclusion the dissertation shows that process modeling techniques, most commonly used as tools for process engineers, can also be used as tools for organizing the daily software development work. This work presents theoretical solutions for bringing the process modeling closer to the ground-level software development activities. These theories are proven feasible by presenting several case studies where the modeling techniques are used e.g. to find differences in the work methods of the members of a software team and to share the process knowledge to a wider audience.Siirretty Doriast

    Geek Cuisine: Extending the Narrative of a Junk Food Gamer

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    In this article, we argue that the pervading hegemonic narrative on gamers’ eating culture emphasizing hedonistic and fast foods is a one-sided storyline that highlights a potentially harmful gamer stereotype. To that end, we reveal the variety of gamers’ food consumption and broaden the narrative depicting the relationship between gamers and eating. Our literature review shows the dominance of the Junk Food Gamer narrative in extant research. However, by using a social constructionist narrative approach to analyze ethnographic observations and interviews, we show the emergence of an alternative, yet interrelated narrative: the Home Food Gamer. In addition, we utilize the idea of the Rubik's Cube to illustrate the actualization of multifaceted and contextually-bound gamer narratives that enable expanding the prevailing understanding of geek cuisine by shedding light on the variety of gamers’ food consumption. In this way, we participate in the ongoing discussion to unravel stereotypical assumptions about gamer culture.© The Author(s) 2023. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Motion Tracking Exergames for Elderly Users

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    This paper reports the results from the field tests of two custom made exergames, based on a commercial off-the-shelf technology, aimed for the elderly people. First game resembles the guided mobility and stretching class, and the second one is more game-like with youthful theme and active movement. Both exergames were tested on two sites, urban and rural setting, totaling 19 elderlies. Usability findings are reported in a form of System Usability Scale (SUS) score analysis, and playability aspects as a Game Experience Questionnaire (GEQ) analysis. Results from the questionnaires are supplemented with observation and interview material. The second game, which had more familiar setting and appropriate pacing, received positive feedback and higher scores from the tests. Based on this material we discuss about the design of exergames aimed for the elderly persons who are not experienced computer game players, the importance of graphical clarity and the need for specialized game experience questionnaire for the elderlies.</p

    Can embedded space system development benefit from agile practices?

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    Work-in-Progress - AgiES: Agile Methods for Embedded System Development

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    AgiES project aims to develop and utilize agile methods for the development of embedded systems covering all of its parts such as electronic hardware, hardware dependent software, and digital integrated circuit design. Agile philosophy is famous in the field of software engineering but rarely used in the development of embedded systems due to the more rigid nature of it. Our goal is to gather a toolbox of agile practices which may be adopted by teams developing embedded systems. These practices originate from principles presented in Agile Manifesto and they are said to improve development team productivity and well-being at work. Attention will be also paid into collaboration between agile and traditionally working teams as well as intointeraction between developers and customers

    Pilot Study and Gamification Analysis of a Theory-based Exergame

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    A theory-based exergame was developed for tweens to promote their self-efficacy towards physical activity and increase their physical activity levels. We used protocols from both health science and gamification research in piloting the exergame. First, we assessed the usability and feasibility of the exergame and conducted a preliminary exploration of its effectiveness. After technical improvements were made based on our findings, we reiterated the pilot study and analysed the gamification elements of the exergame by using Octalysis analysis. The overall findings suggest that a theory-based exergame can positively influence the self-efficacy of tweens towards physical activity. The exergame showcased theoretical strength, achieved using diverse gamification elements but its overall game design and usability can be further improved. The study concludes that health-related components of the purpose of intervention must be incorporated in parallel with the engaging design of the game, taking into utmost consideration the theories, evidence as well as the needs and perceptions of its target users. This study provides valuable insights on future development and evaluation of gamified health interventions.</p

    Snacking Gamers

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    The digital games have become a major industry during last decades, and game-playing appears as an important leisure-time hobby for millions of consumers worldwide. In addition to playing at home, the serious gamers participate in LAN parties to join as a community of gamers for a weekend long event. While the popular culture connects gaming with the junk food and in many gaming events this seems to be true, we argue that this is just a half-truth. In this work-in-progress paper, we examine how the serious gamers eat during and outside the gaming events in relation to their mundane snacking practices. We introduce our research approach and the goals for a study that conducted in two LAN (Local Area Network) parties in Finland by observing and interviewing the participants (n=45). We aim to enrich existing discussions on the digital game-playing, eating practices, (un)healthy snacking and serious consumer communities.</p

    Foodscapeista gamescapeiksi : välipalat pelaamiskäytännöissä

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan pelaajien jokapäiväistä elämää etsimällä hetkiä, gamescapeja, joissa pelaamisen käytännöt yhdistyvät välipalojen kulutuskäytäntöihin. Näin pyritään vastaamaan näkemyksiin, joiden mukaan pelaamista tulisi tarkastella kokonaisvaltaisesti osana erilaisten ihmisten arkea moninaisissa tilanteissa ja ympäristöissä, osana kulttuurista kehystä. Työssä muodostetaan netnografisen metodologian avulla, arjen käytäntöihin ja tilallisuuteen perustuva gamescape-typologia: Tosissaan – Helposti energiaa, Yhdessä hauskaa – Herkuttelua tai kieltäytymistä, Liikkeellä – Eväät matkassa tai matkalta sekä Arjen välitilassa – Pelejä ja välipaloja. Työ rakentaa monipuolista kuvaa pelaajien arjesta ja siten rikkoo yksiulotteisia oletuksia pelaajien ruokakulttuurista. Tutkimus myös luo jatkotutkimusehdotuksia kulttuurisen pelitutkimuksen ja pelisuunnittelun kentälle.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed